Instructor Tahmid
Last Update 08/01/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 50 minutes
Enrolled Students 1
Class KG Umme Tabassum
  • Course Overview
    • Course Objective
    • Course Outcome
    • Course Outline
  • Body Parts
    • 10 Body Parts
  • Sense organs
    • 5 sense organs name
  • Living and non-living
    • Living & Non- living
  • Growing
    • Growing
  • Flowers
    • Flowers
  • Fruits
    • Fruit Name
  • Worksheet
    • Science Practice sheet
  • Keeping Clean
    • Introduction to chapter 'Keeping Clean'
    • keeping clean, matching
    • keeping clean, Fill in the blanks
  • Animal
    • 5 Jungle Animals Name
    • Worksheet
    • 5 Farm Animals Name
    • Worksheet1
    • Worksheet2
  • Food
    • Food ( Reading)
    • Food (F-B)
    • Worksheet3
    • Food (Q/A)
    • Worksheet4
    • True False
    • Food, Exercise from book
  • Assessment Question
    • Science
  • Mid Term 2022
    • Practice Sheet
  • Mid 2024
    • 1st assessment question
  • Science Survey/ Feedback
    • Survey on Science